(321)723-3636 1626 Oak Street, Melbourne, FL 32901

Sacraments / Sacramentos


 Baptisms /  Bautismos

Infant Baptism – (birth through 7 years old)

Baptism Class – Parents and Godparents

Together with the parents, the godparents are to present the child at the baptism and help lead him/her to a Catholic way of life. This includes helping the child to faithfully fulfill the obligations connected with our Catholic faith. The first step to celebrate the sacrament of Baptism is for parents and godparents to take a baptism class. If the class is taken at another parish, parents/godparents are to request a certification of baptism class completion letter.

To register for baptism class, contact Patty Taylor 723-3636 pattytaylor@ollmlb.org

Godparent Criteria

Only one male and one female or one from either gender can be a godparent. Godparents must be at least 16 years of age; have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation; not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized; and be in good standing with the Catholic Church. If the godparents are married they must have been married by a Catholic deacon or priest.

Christian Witness & Proxy

A non-Catholic of another Christian denomination, who is actively practicing his/her faith, may serve as a Christian Witness, providing one godparent is Catholic. The Christian Witness also requires a letter of good standing from his/her church. A person who is baptized Catholic, but has left the Catholic faith to practice in another Christian community cannot be a godparent. If the godparents are unable to attend the baptism, you may ask any Christian that you choose to stand in as proxy for the godparent(s). The names of the godparent(s), not the proxy, will appear on the baptism certificate.


 First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Children in grade 2 and older who have been baptized along with their parent/ guardian attend special family centered Sacrament preparation sessions in addition to enrollment at our school or Sunday/Wednesday religious education classes.

First Communion registration form (English)

Formulario de inscripción Primera Comunión (Spanish Form)


Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) for Children

RCIA is for children 7 years and older who have not been baptized. The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion will be celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Classes are set-up with the children and their families to meet regularly in preparation for these Sacraments of Initiation. Please click here to download the registration form: Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) for Children

Confirmation / Confirmación

Confirmation completes the Sacraments of Initiation and is celebrated in high school (Grades 7 -12)

Weddings and Funerals / Bodas y Funerales

Our parish is sensitive to your sacramental needs.  If you would like to schedule a wedding or funeral at Our Lady of Lourdes, please contact Patti Eastwood at pattieastwood@ollmlb.org or call the office at 321.723.3636.

 Marriage Prep Handbook Legal

 Marriage Prep Handbook Legal Spanish

Nuestra parroquia está lista para ayudarle con sus necesidades sacramentales. Si desea programar una boda o un funeral en Our Lady of Lourdes, comuníquese con Patti Eastwood a pattieastwood@ollmlb.org o llame a la oficina al 321.723.3636.

© 2025 Our Lady of Lourdes | Melbourne, FL - Made with by Diocesan