Category: News
Antonio Mogollon message
Patty Taylor message
Donna Whiterspoon (School Principal) message
Deacon Dan message
Patti Eastwood message
Fr. Doug message
Fr. Dave Message
Fr. Octavio Message
Corona Virus (COVID 19) Update
My Sisters and Brothers,
You may have already heard that Bishop Noonan has asked that all Masses be suspended at every parish in the diocese until further notice. I have included Bishop’s letter after my note. Bishop’s decision is a prudent one. We must make sure that those who worship with us are safe and protected. It is at the same time heartbreaking in that we will be separated for a time. As Bishop recommends we must use this time to pray. We must pray for our country, our church, our school, and our families and friends. Our Lord always invites us to go deeper into relationship with Him. Let us all accept that invitation.
Anticipating that we might need to record and share the Mass, we have developed the ability to Livestream Mass and Adoration. Therefore, we will begin livestreaming daily Mass tomorrow Thursday March 19th – the Feast of Saint Joseph. Mass will begin as usual at 8:15 AM but you can view the Mass at any time beginning at 8:15 AM. Go to our website at and navigate to the part of the front page on the website that says “Live Streaming”. Click on “Live Video” and you will be taken to the Our Lady of Lourdes YouTube page. Click on the Mass or Adoration and you can watch either live or recorded.
I will try to give you frequent updates on opportunities to pray and be connected to Our Lady of Lourdes.
Be safe, Be Well, Be God’s.
God Bless,
March 18, 2020
Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever before me; your throne shall standfirm forever (2 Sam 7:16).
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
Throughout the Dioceses within the state of Florida, effective at the end of day, regularly scheduled celebration of Masses and other liturgical events for the faithful in parish churches and other public sanctuaries are suspended until further notice in cooperation with efforts to contain the spread of the virus (COVID-19). Visitation to the churches to pray is also suspended. Any parish event or ministry event — e.g. prayer groups, bible studies, etc. — are suspended or postponed.
Funerals, or other celebrations which perhaps cannot be postponed – baptisms or weddings – may be celebrated with immediate family members only who are not sick and are not advised by their doctors to self-quarantine.
Priests will celebrate daily Mass for the intentions of the faithful sadly without your presence. Also, priests and other parish staff— who are not sick or otherwise advised to self-quarantine — while exercising prudence and observing social distancing will be available to the faithful at the parish offices.
For emergency situations, parishioners are invited to communicate with a priest, deacon or available staff by phone or by email. Parish staff will work with parishioners to identify a priest for their pastoral needs such as sick calls, request for the Sacrament of Penance, etc. Priests will respond to hospital calls or calls from other health facilities and will cooperate with that hospital or facility by following proper protocols as required (wearing of masks, gloves, protective clothing, etc.).
Catholics can make an Act of Spiritual Communion
It has long been a Catholic understanding that when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion, it is possible to make an Act of Spiritual Communion which is a source of grace. Spiritual Communion means uniting one’s self in prayer with Christ’s sacrifice and worshiping Him in His Body and Blood. The most common reason for making an Act of Spiritual Communion is when a person cannot attend Mass. Acts of Spiritual Communion increase our desire to receive sacramental Communion and help us avoid the sins that would make us unable to receive Holy Communion worthily.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
Resources are available to help the faithful remain in prayer and draw near to God during this holy season of Lent. These resources are posted below and this list will be updated as we learn more from our parishes.
Faith Fit App: Tune into faith-filled podcasts by local Catholics plus special presentations featuring Catholic speakers, singers, musicians & more! Download the app at 157037 or Google Play:
Free Access to Give Us This Day:
Prayer Resources: o Daily Readings:
EWTN Television:
CCTN— the Catholic Community Television Network — is broadcast from a TV studio operated by Holy Family Parish in Orlando. CCTN televises the Sunday Mass and other spiritually enriching programs. The Mass is broadcast every Sunday from 2:00 pm. 3:00 p.m. on WTGL-TV 45. This station is available on various channels, depending on your service provider. Please check with your service provider for details. CCTN also utilizes online media avenues such as YouTube to showcase special productions, such as homilies from Holy Family Parish; short biographies of saints; and the reading of the Gospel, complete with images. Subscribe to the CCTN YouTube Channel by clicking here.
Talk / Devotional English Adults —Divine Mercy Radio (WDMC 920 AM), an approved apostolate led by Bob Groppe, purchased a “fixer upper” frequency and station in 2008. The majority of their programming is provided from EWTN and they also air locally produced programs. Their studio is located in Melbourne and their broadcast is heard in Brevard County and parts of Volusia and Orange counties (as well as two other counties outside of the Diocese of Orlando). They promote their apostolate as “Catholic Radio for Florida’s Space and Treasure Coast.” A priest of the diocese sits on the board of Divine Mercy Radio.
0 Talk / Devotional English Adults— Relevant Radio
Eustis – 90.3 FM WIGW
Orlando – 1080 AM WHOO
Orlando – 1190 AM WAMT
Relevant Radio provides programming that speaks to the human condition, helping to bridge the gap between faith and everyday life. The network produces a variety of popular and exciting programs to help strengthen the family, solve everyday problems, and raise the heart and mind to God.
Tell us who you are so that we might pray for you:
During this season of Lent, know that I pray with you and for you. Through our acts of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, God’s Kingdom will endure forever.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend John Noonan
Bishop of Orlando
Mis hermanas y hermanos Es posible que ya haya escuchado que el obispo Noonan ha pedido que se suspendan todas las Misas en cada parroquia de la diócesis hasta nuevo aviso. He incluido la carta del obispo después de mi nota. La decisión del obispo es prudente. Debemos asegurarnos que nuestros feligreses estén seguros y protegidos, al mismo tiempo desgarrador, ya que estaremos separados por un tiempo. Como el obispo recomienda, debemos usar este tiempo para orar. Debemos rezar por nuestro país, nuestra iglesia, nuestra escuela, nuestras familias y amigos. Nuestro Señor siempre nos invita a profundizar en la relación con Él, aceptemos todos esa invitación. Anticipando que podríamos necesitar grabar y compartir la Misa, hemos desarrollado la capacidad de transmitir en vivo la Misa y la adoración. Por lo tanto, comenzaremos a transmitir en vivo la Misa diaria mañana jueves 19 de marzo, con la solemnidad de San José. La Misa comenzará como de costumbre a las 8:15 a.m. Vsite a nuestro sitio web en y navegue a la parte de la página principal Haga clic en “Video en vivo” y será llevado a la página de YouTube de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Trataré de darle actualizaciones frecuentes sobre las oportunidades para rezar y estar conectado con nuestra parroquia. Cuídense, estén bien, sean de Dios. ![]() |
![]() 18 de marzo de 2020 Tu casa y tu reino durarán eternamente delante de mí, y su trono será estable para siempre (2 Samuel 7:16). Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo: A lo largo de las diócesis dentro del estado de Florida, a partir del final del día de hoy, se suspenden las celebraciones de misas y otros eventos litúrgicos programados regularmente para los fieles en las parroquias y otros santuarios públicos hasta nuevo aviso en cooperación con los esfuerzos para contener la propagación del coronavirus (COVID-19). También se suspenden las visitas a las iglesias. Cualquier evento parroquial o de ministerio, como grupos de oración, estudios bíblicos, etc. – están suspendidos o pospuestos. Los funerales u otras celebraciones que tal vez no puedan posponerse (bautizos o bodas) pueden celebrarse sólo con miembros de la familia inmediata que no estén enfermos y que sus médicos no les aconsejen la cuarentena. Los sacerdotes celebrarán Misa diaria por las intenciones de los fieles, tristemente sin su presencia. Además, los sacerdotes y otros miembros del personal de la parroquia, que no están enfermos o no se les aconseja que se pongan en cuarentena, mientras ejercen prudencia y observan el distanciamiento social, estarán disponibles para los fieles en las oficinas de la parroquia. Para situaciones de emergencia, los feligreses están invitados a comunicarse con un sacerdote, diácono o personal disponible por teléfono o correo electrónico. El personal de la parroquia trabajará con los feligreses para identificar a un sacerdote para sus necesidades pastorales, tales como llamadas por enfermedad, solicitud del Sacramento de la Penitencia, etc. Los sacerdotes responderán a las llamadas al hospital o llamadas de otros centros de salud y cooperarán con ese hospital o centro siguiendo protocolos apropiados según sea necesario (uso de máscaras, guantes, ropa protectora, etc.). Amén. Hay recursos disponibles para ayudar a los fieles a permanecer en oración y acercarse a Dios durante esta temporada santa de Cuaresma. Estos recursos están a continuación y serán actualizados al recibir más de parte de nuestras parroquias. • EWTN: • Programas devocionales para adultos – Relevant Radio Eustis – 90.3 FM WIGW Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, ![]() Su Excelencia Reverendísima
Obispo de Orlando |